Kulturkompasset | critics of culture events

Special evening with Tannhauser

Special evening with Tannhauser and the Estonian National Opera guesting in Vilnius the 15th may 2018.

Stage Director: Daniel Slater (England)

Designer: Leslie Travers (England)

Lighting Designer: Anton Kulagin

Movement Director: Kati Kivitar

Tannhauser was created by D

. Slater in 2013 with a premiere at Estonian National opera

Evening started with a speech made by Estonian and Lithuanian politicians with an introduction to opera production on the occation of Lithuania 100 years anniversery

Richard Wagners great ouverture played by the Estonian Opera and ballet orchestra conducted by Vello Pähn gave a perfect glims of the higlight melodys to be yet enjoyed
. The stage functioned well, decors and costumes representing todays office uniforme in black and white, unfortunatly did not support the true storry, but the vision of producer. For the public It did create an opportunity for erotic phantasy.

Tanhauser is an artist in search of love between goddess Venera that offers him passion with a pleasures of the body and Elisabeth that is in through love with him.

Richard Wagner created four different vertions of the finale, but nighder of them pleased him really.

The key of D. Slater interpretation was that the arias of Venera and Elisabeth was sung by the same singer. It was like breaking a traditional menage a trois, but this did not reduce a tragic of the opera.



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